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Match Night news:

League Rules

To view the full netball league rules click the link below:

Netball League Rules and Regulations 

The York Netball League Rules and Regultions (differ slightly from other leagues)

The Birmingham Netball League Rules and Regulatons (differ slightly from other leagues)

The Sheffield Tuesday Night League Rules and Regulations (differ slightly from other leagues)

A selection of the main rules have been highlighted below, however, some of these may have changed due to Covid 19 safety measures and changes in league formats.  Please refer to the full rules and regulations (above) or contact us for clarification.  david@match-night.co.uk

Points System

5 points will be awarded for a win and 3 for a draw.  2 points will be awarded to a losing team if they are within 5 goals or less of the opponent’s score. 1 point will be awarded to a losing team if they score 50% or more of the opponents score.  0 points will be awarded to a losing team if they score less than 50% of the opponents score.

Play Up and Player Pool Systems

The play up system allows a registered league player to play for another team in the league, only if that team plays in a division higher than their own registered team (known as the ‘play up’ rule).   Players in the division 8 or lower can 'play down' the divisions. A player can only play up or down for the same team a maximum of two times during the course of one season.      

The player pool is for individuals who are not registered to any league team. Teams can then use these pool players if needed. A pool player can only play for the same team a maximum of four times during the course of one season. All pool players will be assigned which divisions they are eligible to play in, based on their ability (this is outlined on the pool list and pool players are informed when they regsiter). All pool players must be registered with the league and it is their responsibility to register with the league. 

If you are using pool or play up players then you can only have a maximum of seven players in your team for that game. The only exception is if one of your players is injured during your match.  If one of your players is injured during the match, they can be replaced by a pool or play up player.   The injured player will not be allowed to take any further part in the match once they have been replaced. Teams can only use a maximum of four pool players, play up players or a mixture of both in one specific game. There is no limit to the number of games a player can play up or pool on one night.

The pool and play up rules are in place to help teams who are struggling to field a full team and in danger of having to cancel a game, not to strengthen your team. The umpires and league reserve the right to stop a player playing for a team if we feel a team is gaining an unfair advantage or if it is not in the spirit of the rules and league.

If you are using a pool or play up player for a game, you need to inform Match Night and you must sign them in with Match Night before your game. To sign in a pool or play up player you can either:

use a sign in sheet, which is with the league co ordinator at your venue, before your game (this option is only available at Goals and Nottingham High School).

text us on 07810058894 or email on david@match-night.co.uk with the ‘players name’ ‘your team name’ ‘pool or play up’

It is the team’s responsibility to sign in pool/play up players.

Any incident that breaks the play up or player pool rules will be treated as fielding an illegal player.

Registering New Players

All players must be registered to your team with Match Night prior to a game commencing.  There is no limit to the number of players a team can register.  Players can be registered and deregistered at any point throughout the season.  A player can only be registered to play for one team within the league.  To register a new player you can either:

register them with your league coordinator at the venue before your game

text us on 07810058894 or email on david@match-night.co.uk with the ‘players name’ ‘your team name’ ‘new player’

Clicking on your team name on website will show you the players you currently have registered with the league

It is the team’s responsibility to register new players. 

Time Keeping and Fixtures

Teams must be at the court and ready to play at least 5 minutes before their match. There are no excuses for arriving late for a match.  If a team is late for a match no extra time allowances will be made for the match.  The team arriving late will be penalised two goals for every five minutes they are late.  If they are more than 20 minutes late, the match will be cancelled and will be awarded as a walk over result.

In the case of a game being awarded as a walk over, the score will be determined by either the last result between the two teams – be that in the current season or a previous season, or 15-0 whichever is most favourable to the opposition.  If the two teams have never played before, the game will be awarded 15-0.         

Match Night reserves the right to use our discretion when implementing any of the league rules and will ensure all factors are taken into consideration to ensure fairness to teams and players.




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