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Match Night news:

Sheffield Netball League - FAQs

12 Aug 2020

Some of the answers will become clearer as we progress to the re start and I will keep you all updated.

Will the league re start from where the season was left when it was suspended in March (spring season) or will it be a brand-new season?

The league will re-start with a brand-new season.  There are several reasons which make resuming the league from the position we left it in the spring season just not an option.   The position you where in when the spring season was suspended, will stand as your final league position.

When will the new season start?

The first date we can re-start is 30th September.  This is the goal and I know teams are very keen to get back on court. However, it is important the venues and the league have everything in place before we return.  I will confirm the start date for your league soon, however, it is looking good for a re start of 30th September.

Will there still be a pool player and play up system?

Yes, with one added rule.  Pool players will only be allowed to play one match per evening.  Players will only be allowed to play up on evenings when their own registered team does not have a game.  I would envisage there being no issues finding pool players or new players to join your team.  Pool players can be organised as normal on The Clique Facebook Group.

What happens if we cannot field a team due to several players self-isolating?

In this first season back there will be no cancellation charges for matches.  The game though will still be awarded as a walk over result.  I would ask if every effort could be made not to cancel a game, as it is obviously a big issue for the league.  We have the pool and play up systems in place to help cover anyone who cannot play.  I will help and support in any way I can in this situation.

Will all the league venues be open?

Not all venues will be open in time for the re start.  The likely scenario is some venues will be ready, when other venues are ready to open, they will be re integrated back into the league.  All venues though are keen and working to re-open.   There is also a chance we will add some new venues. I will confirm the venue line up for the start of the season.  I am working closely with venues and we are helping each other.  I will only be using venues I am confident have all safety measures in place and will continue to monitor all venues on these matters.

I play in division nine and ten and I hear Ponds Forge is not opening anytime soon.

This is correct, sadly Ponds Forge will not be re-opening anytime soon.  Do not worry we will have other venues and will confirm the situation soon for your division.

Will there still be ten divisions?

Its hard to say at this moment, it is likely some teams will not be ready to return in this first season, however we do have new teams entering.  In the case there is a reduction of divisions, final position in the spring season will be used as grading to determine what division you will be placed in. Each season we will assess and discuss with teams, adjustments will then be made if needed.   

We do not think our team are ready to play in this first season back, can we re join the following season and the same division?

I am keen no teams are disadvantaged if this is their situation.  Your place in the league is secure for your team when you are ready to re-join the league.  I cannot guarantee though it will be the same division, however, I assure you every effort will be made to ensure that you enter the same division or as close as possible.

If my team have decided not to return to the league yet, but a few of us want to play what options do we have?

I will try to ensure anyone who wants to play will still have opportunities.  You can: Become a pool player, join another team on a short-term basis (until your own team are ready to return) or you can form a new team, even if short term, with players in a similar position.  I will help all players in this situation and The Clique Facebook Group, will be a good tool to help as always

Will my team have a game every week? 

This is the goal and I am currently working on some options to help this situation even if not all venues are open when we re start.   It is likely though, initially at least, you may not have a game every week.  The play up rule is still in place though if there are weeks when you have no game.

If we paid in full for the spring season, what would happen to the payment for the games we did not play?

This payment will be put towards your next season in the league.

Can new teams enter the league in the new season?

Yes, and the great news is we already have new teams applying.  If they contact me, they will receive an application pack as normal.

Are the match fees the same and how do we pay?

Yes, the match fees remain the same and all payment will now be made by an online bank transfer.  No cash payments.  Full details will be in your fixture pack.

What equipment will be provided by the league?

We will only provide match balls and first aid.  At this stage no other equipment such as bibs, nails files, tape etc will be available.  All teams will need to bring their own bibs and equipment.  The league though will be providing all PPE (sanitiser, wipes etc) that is needed for the league. 

What happens if there is a clash of bib colours or we want to change positions?

There will be provisions made for this situation.  Full details will be in the fixture pack.

What are all the safety measures that will be in place?

England Netball and the government have given the green light for netball to return.  The guidance and measures to do this safely have been published, which you should have access to now.  I will be sending out Team Captain, Player and Umpire ‘return to your league’ packs soon, which will confirm all safety measures regarding your league and the part you play in it.  Match Night is a small business, so it gives us some advantages for this situation.  I have a full overview of all the leagues and importantly at ground level.   I will be in constant contact with all the venues, umpires, and teams and because of this I can say with confidence compliance of the new safety measures. Plus, you have a single reliable point of contact in me, should you have any questions or feedback as we progress.  We will all have a part to play in ensuring it returns safely.

With the safety measures and modified netball rules in place, I am nervous about doing things wrong.

Please do not worry about doing anything wrong, we are all going support each other every step of the way.   This is the culture I think will happen automatically, but certainly the one I have always aimed to install in the league and will continue to do so.  The league will be safe, but it will also be fun and friendly…this is your leisure time after all.

What is it going be like?

I think it is vitally important we do not lose sight of the fact that we play in a netball league because it is something we enjoy and love.  As teams you all want an experience where you can just focus on enjoying your netball.  Fun, friendly, competitive and hassle free!

The league is going be a place we can meet friends, socialise, and have fun playing a sport we love.   Netball played an important part in people’s life before and now when we return, I believe its importance is magnified and benefits have only been enhanced.

There will be measures in place to keep us safe, however, part of my job will be to ensure we come back with all the great things we love about the league and netball.    

Its time to start getting excited and get your game face on!  We are going love every minute of being back on court, so I really hope you can be part of the return of netball!

Please feel free to contact me any time either via email or call me.  I appreciate sometimes it is easier to have a chat over the phone, so do feel free to call. 

e: david@match- night.co.uk

m: 07810058894




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