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Match Night news:

Match Night League Netball is coming back!

20 Aug 2020

As I am sure you maybe aware of by now we received the fantastic news we have all been waiting for this week. Competitive league netball has been given the green light from the government to return from 28th September. This is superb news for the sport.

It is vital for the sport as a whole and the amazing progress it has made over recent years, especially for female sport, that netball does not delay it’s return any longer.   For netball to return safely the game has had to be modified slightly.  This is the only way back at the moment and even though we will return to the unmodified version of netball at some point, it is very likely the new modified version of the game will be in place for sometime.

You have all been amazing in playing your part in the success of netball and your love of the sport is inspiring.  That support and passion for the sport is now needed more than ever to safeguard its future.  I do though fully understand all teams/players will be in different personal situations and there is no pressure to return at this point.  I will send another email in the coming days about the format of the league and how your league will return.

This is now the first step back for netball and its uplifting to think that sports halls that have been quiet and dark for months, will be full of netball sounds and fun again.  The exciting challenge now is to re build netball not back to where we were, but back even better and stronger!  That will certainly be my personal goal with your Match Night League.

Netball has a vital part to play in helping keeping us physically and mentally healthy, which has even more importance at this moment in our lives.  Sport is one of life’s passions and joys, these are the things we have missed so much and to see it return to fill our lives again is amazing news.  The fact we can now play competitive league netball is a cause for celebration.   It is also a great sign that the overall situation in the country is improving and are we winning that battle.

I fully understand there will be anxiety coming back to netball after not playing for six months and with the changes in place.  However, players, umpires and myself will all support each other and help each other ensure it is not only a safe return, but a successful one.  It is new for all of us, so we will support each other every step of the way.

The safety of players and umpires will be of the overriding goal when we return and of the utmost importance.  I can assure you all safety measures will be strictly complied with by Match Night Leagues and our venues.

I would strongly recommend all players take a look at the below England Netball resources, who have done a great job in getting us back on court.  They will help explain the modifications to the game and safety measures that will be in place.  The YouTube link is of a meeting that took place a few weeks ago and really helps explain why a modified version of netball is the only way back for the sport at the moment.   It is a long meeting, however, the relevant information is from 15min in to 40mins.


Please do share this with your players.

Modified Game and Saftey Measures

YouTube England Netball Meeting


I am in the process of preparing the leagues for their return and speaking to all the venues.   In the coming weeks teams and umpires will all receive packs that will detail the safety measures in place and specific details about your league.  This should answer all your questions, so if you bear with me for now while I work on these preparations.  However, the current goal is to re start all leagues on w/c 28th September.

I appreciate there has been some confusion on the new modified version of netball.   More resources and information will be released soon, which will make the situation clearer and answer your questions.  I will ensure these are shared with you all.   Please be assured though it is very much still the game we love and trial games have been a big success, with a positive response from players.

The list of what we love and the benefits of netball is immense.  The fun, laughter, competition, friendships, selfies, rivalries, achievements, escapism, passion, pride, socialising and health benefits remain very much unmodified. 

The time to reunite on court is coming soon and have some much deserved netball fun!

See you soon!

Match Night



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