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Match Night news:

The Sheffield Wednesday Night Indoor Netball League: Division One: League rules

The All England Netball Rules shall apply, however, below is a summary and any rules specific to this league.


Teams are allowed seven players on the court at any one time.    All players must be registered to your team with Match Night prior to a game commencing.  There is no limit to the number of players a team can register.  Players can be registered and deregistered at any point throughout the season.  A player can only be registered to play for one team within the league.  To register a new player this can be done with your league coordinator at the venue or by calling, texting or emailing Match Night direct.  A registered league player is only allowed to play for their registered team (play up rule is the only exception).

We operate a player pool and play up system in the league (explained below)

The play up system allows a registered league player to play for another team in the league, only if that team plays in a division higher than their own registered team (known as the ‘play up’ rule).  Players in division 8 and lower can 'play down' the divisions.  A player can only play up or down for the same team a maximum of two times during the course of one season.     

The player pool is for individuals who are not registered to any league team.  Teams can then use these pool players if needed.   A pool player can only play for the same team a maximum of four times during the course of one season.    All pool players will be assigned which divisions they are eligible to play in, based on their ability (this is outlined on the pool list and pool players are infomred when they register).  All pool players must be registered with the league and is their responsibility to register with the league.

If you are using pool or play up/down players then you can only have a maximum of seven players in your team for that game.  The only exception is if one of your players is injured during your match.  If one of your players is injured during the match, they can be replaced by a pool or play up/down player.   The injured player will not be allowed to take any further part in the match once they have been replaced. Teams can only use a maximum of four pool players, play up/down players or a mixture of both in one specific game. There is no limit to the number of games a player can play up/down or pool on one night.

The pool and play up rules are in place to help teams who are struggling to field a full team and in danger of having to cancel a game, not to strengthen your team. The umpires and league reserve the right to stop a player playing for a team if we feel a team is gaining an unfair advantage or if it is not in the spirit of the rules and league.

If you are using a pool or play up player for a game, you need to inform Match Night and you must sign them in with Match Night before your game.  To sign in a pool or play up player:

text Match Night 07810058894 or email on david@match-night.co.uk  with the ‘players name’ ‘your team name’ ‘pool or play up’

Any incident that breaks the play up or player pool rules will be treated as fielding an illegal player.

It is the team’s responsibility to sign in pool/play up players and register new players.

A team needs at least five players to start a match.  Any less than five and the team will not be allowed to start play.  This situation will be treated as a late arrival and incur the punishments applicable for late arriving teams.

A player can only change their league registration status (registered to a team or as a pool player) once over the cause of a season.  Exceptions may be made in certain circumstances.

All players must be aged 16 or over. Players aged 15 can play in the league, subject to a waiver signed by a parent and assessment from the league All captains must be aged 18 or over. Players who are more than 12 weeks pregnant may not take part in league matches.

Nails should be kept short – and should not be able to be seen when showing your palms.  No form of glove may be worn by players during the match.  All players must wear suitable trainers.  No jewellery is allowed to be worn when playing, including earrings.  .  If you cannot remove jewellery we will allow you to tape it up, as long as it is safe.  It is the umpires and leagues direction if we deem it to be safe.

Match Night will provide bibs and balls.  These must be returned after the match.  If this is not done, the club responsible will be charged for the items. Players must not use equipment or wear anything which could be deemed dangerous to her or to the other players.  If a player wishes to wear glasses they can do so but must sign a waiver.


Each match is controlled by an umpire who has the full authority to enforce the rules in connection with the match to which they have been appointed.  The decision of the umpire is final on all issues during the match.

The umpire will record information on all the matches they have been officiating and report this to a Match Night League Co-ordinator.  Information recorded will be:  Name of teams playing - Score of the match - Disciplinary issues or teams absent – most valuable player of the match nominations (MVP).

The Match

40 minute total fixture length - minimum 9 minute quarters.  The teams will switch sides after each quarter.  No time will be added to the match in the event of stoppages or injuries. 

The home team will have the first centre pass.  The away team will select which direction to shoot towards during the first quarter.

England Netball Rules shall apply during the match.  Match Night and the league will be following and in full compliance of England Netball and government Covid 19 guidelines.  We will be following the modified version of netball as outlined by England Netball.  Full details can be found on England Netball and Match Night website, they will also be sent to teams ahead of entering the league.

Disciplinary Action

All infringements and misconduct will be dealt with by the umpire and the umpire’s decision is final. 

Any misconduct from a player or team that results in the game being abandoned will result in the match being awarded as a walk over to the opposition.  Further action may also be taken against the team or player.

Serious misconduct may also result in the individual or club being excluded from the league.  In the event of serious misconduct by a player or team, the team captain will receive written notification from Match Night as to the punishment.

Match Night reserves the right to ban or expel any player or team from the league.  There is no opportunity to appeal.

Any team found to be playing an unregistered or illegal player will incur one of the following sanctions: forfeit the match 15-0, have a points deduction issued. or be issued with a formal warning.  If Match Night feel the fault for any breach in the rules lies with the player, then action will be taken against the player not the team.

Players are not allowed to use social media technology to bring the game into disrepute or make an inappropriate comment about a fellow player, umpire or official.  If the league feels this has happened, then it will be treated as serious misconduct.

The umpires and the league reserve the right to take any action necessary if we feel a team or players actions is gaining an unfair advantage or if it is not in the spirit of the rules and league.

Time Keeping and Fixtures

Teams must be at the court and ready to play at least 5 minutes before their match. There are no excuses for arriving late for a match.  A team arriving late will be penalized two goals for every five minutes the match has to be shortened by.  If they are more than 20 minutes late, the match will be cancelled and will be awarded as a walk over result.  

There is a 5 minute grace period.  If a team is late, yet the game starts within the first 5 minutes, the game will be played in full and there will be no penalty.

Match Night cannot offer to rearrange any matches during the season, including changing game times.

If a team cannot play a fixture they must inform Match Night in advance.  The game will be awarded as a walk over result and the team will be charged both their match fee and the oppositions match fee.  The opposition will be refunded their match fee and offered use of the court free of charge for the allotted match time.  If a team persistently cancels games they may also have points deducted or be removed from the league

If a team does not show up to a fixture without contacting Match Night first the game will be awarded as a walkover to the opposition and the team may have points deducted.

In the case of a game being awarded as a walk over, the score will be determined by either the last result between the two teams – be that in the current season or a previous season, or 15-0 whichever is most favourable to the opposition.  If the two teams have never played before, the game will be awarded 15-0.

Any team which does not show up for a fixture without contacting the league first, on more than three occasions in any season may be expelled from the league without compensation.  Any match fees due for the remaining season must be paid in full at the time of expulsion.

If a match has to be cancelled due to a serious injury the match will be awarded as a walk over against the team who suffered the injury.  If 50% or more of the game has been played, the score and result will stand at the point it was cancelled, if the team that cancelled are losing the game.  There will be no refunds of match fees. 

Match Night reserves the right to change fixtures at any time, including change of game times, venues and extending seasons.

Points System

5 points will be awarded for a win and 3 for a draw.  2 points will be awarded to a losing team if they are within 5 goals or less of the opponent’s score. 1 point will be awarded to a losing team if they score 50% or more of the opponents score.  0 points will be awarded to a losing team if they score less than 50% of the opponents score.

A two up two down promotion and relegation system is in opertation for all divisions. Teams equal on points at the end of the season will be separated by goal difference, followed by goals scored, followed by goals against, followed by aggregated results between the teams in question, followed by drawing lots to decide the final positions.

In your first season Match Night will decide which division to enter your team.  Where possible we will try to match your team’s ability to the right division.    

A most valuable player of the season award (MVP) will be presented to the player with the most MVP of the match nominations in each division at the end of the season.  Nominations are awarded by the umpires.  Umpires can nominate as many players as they wish per game and they also do not have to nominate anyone.  A pool or play up player can be nominated for MVP of the match, however, are not eligible to win the MVP of the year.

If your match is awarded as a walk over the player with the most nominations in your team will be given that matches nomination.  The team that cancelled the match will not be entitled to a nomination.


Payment for match fees will be made in full before the season starts.  Alternatively, match fees can be paid in advance on a monthly basis or weekly before each match.  All payments are made via an online bank transfer.

If for any reason a team has fees outstanding, the team will not be allowed to play its fixtures and the team will be treated as if it had failed to turn up for a match without notifying Match Night .  In this situation, the team will only be allowed to resume its fixtures once the full season’s fees have been paid.

Any outstanding debt owed to Match Night is the team captain’s responsibility and measures will be taken to recover it including passing the debt to a Debt Recovery Agency.

Other Important Information

Match Night reserves the right to use our discretion when implementing any of the league rules and will ensure all factors are taken into consideration to ensure fairness to teams and players.

Match Night reserves the right to alter these rules at any time during a season.  Any changes will be notified to the team captain in writing and the team captain must make their team aware of the changes.

If at the end of the season a team decides not to continue in the league, a new team will join the league in their place.  Match Night will attempt to ensure new teams start at the right level and division.  In order to achieve this Match Night reserve the right for relegated teams to remain in their division or promote  extra teams.  

As team captain, you are required to sign these rules to signify your agreement to fulfil your fixtures in accordance with these rules and to pay for all fixtures.  If your team owes fees to Match Night  for whatever reason, it will be the team captain who has the legal responsibility for the debt.

If any accidents occur during play they will be reported to the league coordinator at the venue immediately after the accident.  Where no league coordinator is present please report to the umpire.                     

If any injuries occur during play, they will be reported to the league coordinator at the venue immediately after the injury.  Where no league coordinator is present, please report to the umpire.  It is the team’s responsibility to provide first aid for their players and have a qualified first aider present at all games.  

This is a rolling contractual agreement and will cover this season and every subsequent season your team enter.  Therefore you are only required to sign it once and it will cover all future seasons your team agree to participate in.

If any team wishes to withdraw from the league during the course of the season, they will be liable for payment of all remaining match fees, unless a replacement team can be found.

If a team wishes to leave a league at the end of the current season, it must give 2 weeks notice before the end of the current season.  The team must fulfil all its fixtures for the current season.

If a team wishes to change their captain at any stage during the season, this can only be done in writing to Match Night.  The request must be dated and accompanied by the signatures of both the former captain and the new captain, along with confirmation that the new captain will accept responsibility to fulfil and pay for all the fixtures as requested and agree to abide by the rules of the competition.

As team captain, you must agree that you and all your players take part in this league at your own risk and accept that Match Night will take no responsibility for injury or loss however caused.



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